Telemark Nordic ski Club Inc. (A0013502S)

Event Registration Form


  • In consideration of this registration being accepted I, the signatory below and /or parent/guardian, intending to be legally bound for the registrant, myself, heirs, executors and administrators waive and release any and all rights and claims for damages I may have against the club/event organisers, volunteers and sponsors resulting from involvement with the Telemark Nordic Ski Club event.
  • TNSC Information privacy policy here

Please complete the form below to register for the TNSC come and try cross country skiing events

Come and Try Cross Country Skiiing Event Registration Page

Event Entry Fee Payment Details

Direct debit payment of the entry fee is preffered via the following details:

BSB: 640-000

Account Number: 111082418

Account Name:TNSC

Transaction ID: Your FirstnameSurname

Alternatively,cash will be accepted on the day of the event at the registration table within the Falls Creek Windy Corner Day Shelter